Références bibliographiques (11)
Anne Leblay-Kinoshita
Archives and Books out of Ambitions and Escheats in times of War (1940-1946) »
, Gli archivi nelle sommosse e nelle guerre : Dall’età napoleonica all’era della cyber war.
Sophie Robert
Adrienne Monnier et l’esprit nouveau »
, La Nouvelle Revue Française and Modernism, Explorations in Anglo-French Cross-Currents, sous la direction d’Antoine Compagnon, p. 143-154, 2008.
Xavier Agenjo
Francisca Hernandez
Andrés Viedma
Nadine Boddaert
Agrégation et diffusion des notices d’autorité en Linked Open Data »
, 77th IFLA General Conference and Assembly : World Library and Information Congress : Libraries beyond libraries: Integration, Innovation and Information for all, 2011.
Rodica Paleologue
Amartolon Sotiria. Itinéraires diachroniques »
, Symposium international Le Livre, la Roumanie, l’Europe, 2012.
Clément Oury
Ange Aniesa
All we need is news preservation: harvesting digital newspapers at the Bibliothèque nationale de France »
, IFLA WLIC 2014. Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge. Session 170 - All we need is news - knowledge production and dissemination through news media, 2014.
Patrick Le Bœuf
A Basic Introduction to FRBRoo and PRESSoo »
, IFLA WLIC 2015. Session 207 - Modeling Bibliographic Information for a Web of Data: Challenges and Achievement, 2015.
Florence Codine
A database for French coin hoard : "Trésors Monétaires online" »
, XV International Numismatic Congress, 2015.
Hélène Virenque
A Swiss Egyptologist on Her Majesty's Service : Edouard Naville (1844-1926) in the Delta »
, Every traveller needs a compass, 11th ASTENE Conference, 2015.
Emmanuelle Bermès
Vincent Boulet
Céline Leclaire
Améliorer l'accès aux données des bibliothèques sur le web : l'exemple de data.bnf.fr »
, IFLA WLIC 2016 : IFLA World Library and Information Congress, 82nd IFLA General Conference and Assembly, 2016.
Céline Allain
A protocol to conserve glazed paper after a water damage »
, 44th Annual AIC Meeting, 2016.
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