Références bibliographiques (2)
Jean-Dominique Mellot
Anne Boyer
Pierre-Louis Drouhin
Nathalie Fabry
The French printing and publishing network through the corpus of the Répertoire d’imprimeurs / libraires of the Bibliothèque nationale de France (15th-18th century) »
, Urban Networks and the Printing Trade in Early Modern Europe (15th-18th century). Papers presented on 6 November 2009 at the CERL Seminar hosted by the Royal Library of Belgiun, Brussels, 2010.
Catherine Massip
Michael Burden
Jennifer Thorp
The music of the Ballet de la Nuit. The Ballet de la Nuit a political and musical statement »
, The Ballet de la Nuit : Rothschild B1/16/6, n° 15, p. 35-38, 2010.