Références bibliographiques (4)
Jean-Philippe Moreux
Caroline Kageneck
Innovative Approaches of Historical Newspapers in a View to Facilitate Access for Various Profiles of Users : Data Mining, Data Visualization, Semantic Enrichment »
, IFLA 2016 News Media Satellite Session, 2016.
Vincent Drost
Interpreting Portable Antiquities Scheme data: the coinage of the Tetrarchy/early Constantinian period »
, 5th joint meeting of Nomisma.org and the European Coin Find Network, 2016.
Anila Angjeli
ISNI : des identifiants pérennes pour l’identification unique et pérenne des producteurs d’archives »
, AAFTroyes16 : meta/morphoses : les archives, bouillons de culture numérique, 2016.
Catherine Hofmann
Nathalie Buisson
Pascale Richardin
Is the Carta Pisana still the oldest known marine chart ? The results of laboratory analysis and of radiocarbon dating »
, First International Workshop On the Origin and Evolution of Portolan Charts, 2016.