Références bibliographiques (6)
France Lasfargues , Clément Oury , Bert Wendland , « Legal deposit of the French web: harvesting strategies for a national domain » , 8th International Web Archiving Workshop, 2008.
Clément Oury , Sébastien Peyrard , National Library Board (Singapour) , Nanyang Technological University. Wee Kim Wee Scholl of Communication and Information , « From the World Wide Web to digital library stacks: preserving the French web archives » , Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Preservation of Digital Objects (iPRES), p. 237-241, 2011.
Clément Oury , Ange Aniesa , « All we need is news preservation: harvesting digital newspapers at the Bibliothèque nationale de France » , IFLA WLIC 2014. Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge. Session 170 - All we need is news - knowledge production and dissemination through news media, 2014.
Marianne Clatin , Louise Fauduet , Clément Oury , Jean-Philippe Tramoni , « Digital curators at work: analyzing emerging professional identities at the Bibliothèque nationale de France (BnF) » , IFLA WLIC 2014 - Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge, Session 209 - Preservation and Management of Documentary Cultural Heritage - Strategic Programme on Preservation and Conservation, 2014.
Sylvie Bonnel , Clément Oury , « La sélection de sites web dans une bibliothèque nationale encyclopédique : une politique documentaire partagée pour le dépôt légal de l’internet à la BnF » , IFLA WLIC 2014. Session 107 - National libraries and the cultural heritage in the digital age - National Libraries, 2014.
Clément Oury , « Preservation of born-digital heritage at the National Library of France » , IFLA WLIC 2014 : Libraries, Citizens, Societies : Confluence for Knowledge. Session 138 - The PERSIST project – Digital preservation and content selection, 2014.