Références bibliographiques (12)
Maxime Préaud
Michel Rio
T. H. Ohlgrin
Images sans Histoire. Méthode de description des images et classement informatique »
, Conference transactions, p. 245-256, 1980.
Jean-Marc Chatelain
Institution civile et pensée constitutionnelle : pour une lecture politique de L’Astrée »
, Lire "L'Astrée", p. 189-200, 2008.
Antonio Iacobini
Gennaro Toscano
Illustrare Omero nell'Italia del Quattrocento: Sanvito, Rhosos et Gaspare da Padova nell'Iliade vaticana »
, Come nasce un manoscritto miniato [Texte imprimé] : scriptoria, tecniche, modelli e materiali, p. 63-80, pl. 9-31, 2010.
Gennaro Toscano
Isabella di Chiaromonte (1424-1465), reine de Naples et sa commande à Colantonio du Retable de saint Vincent Ferrier »
, Femmes de pouvoir, femmes politiques durant les derniers siècles du Moyen âge et au cours de la première Renaissance : [colloque international, Lille et Bruxelles], p. 585-599, 2012.
Philippe Vallas
Integrating physical preservation and digitization: a currently effective process in the French National Library »
, IFLA WLIC 2013. Future Libraries: Infinite Possibilities. Session 146 - Information Technology with Preservation and Conservation, Rare Books and Manuscripts and Library and Research Services for Parliaments, 2013.
Anila Angjeli
Vincent Boulet
Andrew MacEwan
Pauline Chougnet
ISNI and VIAF – Transforming ways of trustfully consolidating identities = ISNI et VIAF transforment le paysage : pour des identités fiables et solides »
, IFLA WLIC 2014 "Libraries, Citizens, Societies: Confluence for Knowledge", Session 86 - Cataloguing with Bibliography, Classification, Indexing and UNIMARC Strategic Programme, 2014.
Viviana Quiñones
IFLA Section Libraries for Children and Young Adults: 60 Years Working for Stronger Library Services for Young People »
, 81st IFLA General Conference and Assembly, 2015.
Frédérique Duyrat
Introduction: Different tools, same framework »
, XV International Numismatic Congress. Table ronde : The new LANDscape of Greek numismatics. Unifying a discipline through Linked Data, 2015.
Jean-Philippe Moreux
Caroline Kageneck
Innovative Approaches of Historical Newspapers: Data Mining, Data Visualization, Semantic Enrichment »
, IFLA News Media Section, 2016.
Jean-Philippe Moreux
Guillaume Chiron
Antoine Doucet
Mickael Coustaty
ICDAR2017 Competition on Post-OCR Text Correction »
, ICDAR 2017, 14th IAPR International Conference on Document Analysis and Recognition, Kyoto, Japan, 2017.
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