Références bibliographiques (6)
Matthieu Bonicel
Bâtir l'Observatoire Biblissima »
, Journée d'inauguration Biblissima, 2013.
Rémi Mathis
Beyond dissemination of information. Bringing the libraries into the spotlights »
, Congrès Europe-Moyen-Orient-Afrique, 2013.
Matthieu Bonicel
Biblissima: A National Interoperability Project about the Middle Ages and Renaissance Books and Libraries »
, LIBER 42nd Annual Conference "Research Information Infrastructures and the Future Role of Libraries", 2013.
Matthieu Bonicel
Biblissima: bibliotheca bibliothecarum novissima »
, COST Meeting Medioevo Europeao, 2013.
Charlotte Denoël
Elizabeth MacDonald
BIBLISSIMA Bibliotheca Bibliothecarum Novissima »
, Journées Ménestrel 2013, 2013.
Sara Aubry
Clément Oury
Building a master's degree on digital archiving »
, IIPC General Assembly 2013, 2013.